Day: Wednesday
Time: 3.30 - 4.30pm
Age: Years 1 & 2
Jan 8 15 22 29
Feb 5 12 26
Mar 5 12 19 26
EXCLUDING: Feb 19th Apri 2nd
Time: 3:30 - 4:30, Players to be collected from school field at session finish time.
What to bring: Water bottle, trainers, football boots, shin pads, sports kit, raincoat.
We strongly suggest that all participants wear shin pads during the session.
1. Collection Gate for all year group pickups, will be the main gate on the KS2 playground
2. Years 3 to 6 will go to outdoor teaching hut on the KS2 playground and meet the Chelsea Coaches. They will then walk round with coaches to the field
3. Years 1 & 2 to meet by the Y1 area and walk round to a designated area to leave bags, change into boots and then head to the field
4. Children must not wear their football boots in school and must change into them in the designated zones
PE kit, waterproof coat, appropriate footwear, shin pads and water.
Pick up:
Exit gate: blue gates next to staff car park leading to the infant playground.
Chelsea FC Foundation coaches will take players to the gate for 4.10pm and hand them over to parents who remain the other side of the gate